
Transfixed by the Headlights of the Hurtling Machine

When I’m on the road, I always carry a baseball bat in the back of my truck to use each time I see a snake. If the snake is sunning herself, I stop the truck and use the bat to shoo her to safety. Sometimes, if the snake is especially sluggish, I loop her over […]

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Norris Thomlinson September 1st, 1998 Filed in Essays No Responses

Enemy of the State: An Interview with John Zerzan

DJ: What is Anarchism? JZ: I would say Anarchism is the attempt to eradicate all forms of domination. This includes not only such obvious forms as the nation-state, with its routine use of violence and the force of law, and the corporation, with its institutionalized irresponsibility, but also such internalized forms as patriarchy, racism, homophobia. […]

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Norris Thomlinson September 1st, 1998 Filed in Interviews by Derrick Jensen No Responses